This is my private Spam Account where I tend to share some personal stuff but also post a lot about my interests.
About me
My name is Svenja and I’m 18 years old. I’m from Germany so my English might not be 100% correct from time to time. I’m often complaining about various things so if that bothers you I’d recommend to not follow.
I’m also pretty shy and not that good at talking with people but I’ll try my best.
✧ Love Live!
✧ Bandori
✧ Cgss
✧ Mirishita
✧ Anime/Manga
✧ Hannibal
✧ Nintendo (Animal Crossing)
Click on the heart (♡) to see my favorite characters!
Don’t follow if:
you fit in the basic dfi criteriayou dislike spam are here to start drama or to spy
To get accepted:
There’s not really something like a password so feel free to request. To get accepted faster though, please send me a picture of one of my favorite characters.

Thank you!